Community Futures Wood Buffalo
Board Criteria
Community Futures Wood Buffalo is a community driven, non-profit organization that is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors.
The Board is made up of local business people who bring extensive knowledge and experience of the area’s economy. Our Board members represent our region’s population and main economic sectors.
The role of the Board is to establish our organization’s priorities, monitor our performance, and be accountable to key stakeholders, such as local, provincial and federal governments.
The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Community Futures Wood Buffalo. As a member of the Board, a Director acts in a position of trust and is responsible to provide governance for Community Futures Wood Buffalo.
The Board of Directors acts of behalf of the citizens of the community. They have the principal responsibility for establishing the mission and goals of Community Futures Wood Buffalo, to provide leadership in accordance with the mandate of the Community Futures program. The Board of Directors governs through policy making. They delegate the authority to carry out the mission and goals to the Executive Director.
- Understand and demonstrate commitment to achieve goals
- Contribute of yourself, participate and ask questions
- Keep informed, prepare for and attend all meetings
- Participate in board development activities
- Be informed and support Community Futures Wood Buffalo’s effort and activities
- Represent Community Futures Wood Buffalo at various events and functions
- Understand and monitor the finances
- Monitor legal and regulation aspects
- Exercise good faith and uphold board decisions
- Be committed to the work of Community Futures Wood Buffalo
- Be eighteen years of age or older
- Reside in the region
- Have knowledge and/or experience in one or more of the following areas: education, industry, small business, government, labour, nonprofit organizations or involvement in the community
- Report and declare any real or perceived conflict of interest
Duties of the Board of Directors
- Promoting the objectives of the Corporation
- Hiring an Executive Director to operate the Corporation
- Maintaining, monitoring and protecting the Corporation’s assets and property
- Approving an annual budget for the Corporation
- Investing the funds of the Corporation
- Oversee the financing of the operations of the Corporation and borrowing or raising monies
- Making policies for managing and operating the Corporation
- Approving all contracts for the Corporation
- Ensuring maintenance of all accounts and financial records of the Corporation
- Appointing auditors, accountants or legal counsel as necessary
- Selling, disposing of, or mortgaging any or all the property of the Corporation
- Investment Review
Learn more about: Board Composition
View our detailed policy: Board Member Criteria

Interested In Becoming A Board Member Or Committee Volunteer? Get In Touch!
Impact the growth of our community and join our board. We’re always looking for great people to help better our business community here in Wood Buffalo and offer new growth opportunities to Wood Buffalo based entrepreneurs.